Working with our Interpretative planning partner the Archives Gallery takes visitors on a journey through HSBC’s 150-year history, from the founding of the bank in 1865 to the present. Objects on display from the Archives (in which it is located) include the founding documents of the bank, paintings by the renowned China Trade artist George Chinnery, original and rare bank notes and printing plates issued throughout the bank’s history and spheres of influence, even silver ingots from Imperial China and a 3,000-year old “knife coin”. These are all mounted and displayed with museum-grade techniques, materials and cases within an environment that uses innovative multi-touch screen technology and QR code capability.
Working with our long-term interpretative planner partner, Winkle Picker we created a flexible graphics system which could hold artefacts and integrated it within the current Archives gallery.
滙丰银行歷史檔案展覽館 – 香港2015
與我們的展覽規划伙伴合作,歷史檔案展覽館向参觀者展示滙丰银行150年的歷史,从银行于1865年成立到現在的歷程。展出的展品包括银行的創辦文件、著名中国貿易艺術家喬治.錢納利的画作,以及银行歷來发行的罕有紙幣真品和印版,以至中国古代的银元宝和一个已有3000年歷史的刀幣。這些展品都使用了博物館的技術、材料和展柜装置和展示,并采用創新的多点触控屏技術和QR碼功能。我们与长期合作伙伴Winkle Picker建造了一套灵活的装置,将文物跟图像资讯合二为一,装置现正安装于历史档案室。